It is with great excitement that I welcome you to the ACIST Distributor Portal, a self-service resource made especially for you! 

We are delighted to work with so many fantastic partners who represent the ACIST family of products around the globe. We value the strong relationships you have built with your customers and we know that by working together the result is growth and profitability that outperforms the market. We want to make sure we offer you first class support that ensures you can focus on growing your business and we are continually working to make your job easier by product innovation, increased digital presence and new marketing materials.

We have now added a central location for all the resources you need as an ACIST distributor. From product brochures, sell sheets and videos to training materials and customer education tools, it’s all here! We’ve also provided access to ACIST’s branding materials, so that when you’re looking to update your website with our product information or need approved ad banners or congress visuals to use locally, this is the perfect place to start. We continually update the materials on this portal, but if at any time you’re struggling to find something or you have a request, don’t hesitate to contact us.

My welcome message will not be the only message that is shared on this portal. We’d like to keep connected with all of you and update you frequently about everything that is happening at ACIST in the NEWS section on the portal. But we would also like to receive your success stories so that we can include these in the news section to share with all distribution partners. Please check back often to see what’s new!

I look forward to hearing your response to this resource – I welcome your feedback and ideas and whenever possible we will add tools and resources that you request! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or comments you may have. I am here to help, and happy to do so!

Thank you for everything you do. All my best, Kristen Knox

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